Molini Ambrosio

Research, and development!

Hand down and innovate together.

Indispensable tools to guarantee the quality, workability and traceability of our products are the internal laboratories. Specialized operators and suitable equipment allow us to select the best grains, to analyze them in a precise and constant way to always offer our customers a product of undoubted quality. First of all, our laboratories are used to analyze the incoming wheat before storage and therefore allow us to discard lots of wheat that do not meet the high quality standards imposed by us. To always guarantee efficient results, all the incoming grains and all the flours produced are checked through rheological tests such as the Farinograph, the Extensograph and the Alveograph; and chemicalphysical tests such as humidity, the percentage of protein or the quantity and quality of gluten. The quality control process is constantly monitored and implemented to always guarantee an impeccable product from a qualitative and above all hygienic point of view

An essential and important element for us at Molini Ambrosio is the Research & Development activity, whose internal know-how ensures that innovative and cutting-edge products are constantly developed and tested by our team of technicians. All this is done to always offer our customers a service and a product aimed at satisfying specific needs that the market constantly imposes.

Where we areMolini Ambrosio
Appassionati dal 1886, un forte ed ininterrotto legame all’arte molitoria.
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Where we areMolini Ambrosio
Appassionati dal 1886, un forte ed ininterrotto legame all’arte molitoria.
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