Molini Ambrosio

since 1886

A centuries-old tradition never interrupted in the research, development and processing of the best grains.
A company, a mission

Our business
your satisfaction

Our strength lies in the enthusiasm, commitment and satisfaction of those who, every day, work with the sole objective of satisfying customer needs.
Molini Ambrosio

since 1886

A centuries-old tradition never interrupted in the research, development and processing of the best grains.
A company, a mission

Our business
your satisfaction

Our strength lies in the enthusiasm, commitment and satisfaction of those who, every day, work with the sole objective of satisfying customer needs.

La pizza

Special and new selection of flours made to satisfy pizza makers’ needs

Giallo Oro

Il risultato dopo la lavorazione è un prodotto finito dal colore sempre vivo, GialloOro.


The line of bakery products designed to meet the new tastes of customers. Unleash your creativity.


Selection of flours designed to satisfy the needs of professionals in this sector.
Molini Ambrosio

Molini ambrosio overlooks the Gulf of Naples.
It's among the best milling complexes in Italy and Europe

The secrets of classic grinding revisited in a modern key

Since 1886, the Ambrosio family has never broken the link between it and the milling art. This age-old tradition is an element that characterizes and distinguishes the company. The passion for the product and the secrets of soft and hard wheat processing have been handed down with dedication. At the same time, great attention has always been paid to research, aware that tradition and innovation are inseparable elements of one's work.

Molini Ambrosio

Le nostre Linee

Molini Ambrosio doesn’t just offer to every category of customers a specially designed product.
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Where we areMolini Ambrosio
Appassionati dal 1886, un forte ed ininterrotto legame all’arte molitoria.
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Where we areMolini Ambrosio
Appassionati dal 1886, un forte ed ininterrotto legame all’arte molitoria.
LocationWhere we are
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